Quince Jelly Quince Jelly (1)
By Luigi

DIFF: Medium -- PREP: 3 hours -- COOK: 1 hour and 20 mins
Makes: 1 jar (350gr)


  • 950 gr Quince
  • 4 cups Water
  • 250 gr Sugar


  • 1
    Wash the quince, remove the stems. Take out the core and cut into big pieces
  • 2
    Put the quince pieces in a large stockpot with a thick bottom and add the water
  • 3
    Bring the water and quince to a boil, reduce heat to simmer, cover and cook for about 1 hour, until the quince are soft
  • 4
    With a potato masher, mash the quince (if the mash is too thick add some more water)
  • 5
    Place a metal strainer over a pot. Drape 2 layers of cheesecloth over the strainer. Ladle the pulp into the cheesecloth
  • 6
    Let the pulp strain for 3 to 4 hours
  • 7
    Put the juice in a thick bottomed pot. Add the sugar
  • 8
    Bring to a boil stirring until the sugar is dissolved
  • 9
    Leave to boil for 45 minutes at a temperature just above 100C
  • 10
    To check if the jelly is ready, put a half teaspoon of the jelly on a chilled plate. Allow the jelly to cool a few seconds, then push it with your fingertip. If it wrinkles up then it's ready
  • 11
  • 12
